Entries by Curious Compass

Master Cruise Counsellor

Here I am, a year and a half later, excited to be sharing my news of advancing from an Accredited Cruise Counsellor to a Master Cruise Counsellor.  Yay!!   It was both a personal and a professional goal to move forward through the CLIA Academy.  I received the MCC designation by completion of a comprehensive program […]

I Love Good Surprises!

Guess what?  I just saved six of my clients an average of $250 each for their upcoming cruises! I had the pleasure of telling several of my clients that I was able to take advantage of new lower cruise pricing for their already booked summer cruise vacations, yay!!  I love delivering good news, especially when it […]

Best Compliment? Your Referrals!

As my business grows, I am constantly amazed by the great clients that I get to work with.   One of the best parts of my business is when I get a call or email from someone I don’t know, but they have been given my name by a client or friend of mine to help them plan […]